How To Make Women Want You More – Few Useful Tips

how to make women want you moreAs a single and straight man, getting women to want you is built into your DNA. Of course, most men are too desperate to notice that women are turned off by desperation and don’t enjoy men flinging themselves at their feet. Most men never quite make it to the serious part of a relationship and get the usual “let’s be friends” spiel. If you have just recognized that this is the situation that you’re in, it’s time to change your tactics.

The first step to achieving godly status in a woman’s mind is to never lose your masculine edge. By acting out of desperation too much and trying to relate to the woman across from you, you are becoming less and less attractive as the minutes tick by. It is okay to be able to talk to the opposite sex, but never act in a way that can shove you straight into the friend corner. A woman is sexually attracted to someone that is manly and knows how to seduce, not a boy trying to be a man.

Using words to seduce a woman is indeed acceptable practice, but you need to keep it appropriate enough not to sound like an ad for a porno film. You can get a woman interested in you sexually, but you need to be aware of the words that women in general find acceptable. So, while some like dirty talk, it is still important to keep your cool and not cross over into the desperate jerk zone.

Using subtle body language to seduce women is a good idea, but you need to know how to control your movements in order to get the response you want. Believe it or not, a lot of men are simply too confident in their seduction skills and fail to realize that women just aren’t buying what they’re selling. You need to practice body language, and with the right words, you can get a woman to fall for you quickly.

Don’t be an obnoxious guy that really can’t take a hint. Women enjoy persistence in men, but only when it’s wanted. If it’s clear that the moves you’re trying to put on a woman aren’t doing their charm, move on. There is nothing worse than a man that won’t take no for an answer and starts to slide on over to the creepy stalker status.

Be respectful when trying to get women’s attention. It is okay to flirt, but never make fun of other people or behave in a manner that other people can find offensive. Walking around a bar and spouting dirty jokes no one wants to hear is not going to be doing you any real favors.

This automatically leads to the next point: stop with the lame jokes no one actually laughs at. There is nothing worse than a woman having to laugh for the sake of trying to get an annoying man off her back, which is why you should also refrain from being too loud when you talk as it can lead to embarrassment.

Stick to a playful personality, and keep your deep thinking self contained. There is a time and a place for having a serious talk, but if you want sexual attraction, be the “fun guy”. Show her your toothy grin and show her how to have a good time. After all, neither of you may be searching for a meaningful relationship.

Dress in a way that exudes confidence, but says a lot about your personality as well. Don’t just dress a certain way because you feel like it will get a better response out of women. There is nothing worse than encountering a lawyer dressed like a rocker, only to find out that he is indeed as uptight as the rest.

The last thing you need to consider is confidence. If you want to say something, by all means say it! Have the guts to flirt with a woman, but still have the confidence to back up your claims. If you’re not looking for a serious relationship and want a quick roll in the hay, use your body language, masculinity and most importantly – say what you mean!

For other tips and advice on how to make women want you more you can take a look at the video below…

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