Meridian Health Protocol by G. Bridgeham – Full Review

Course by:
George Bridgeham

Reviewed by:
On March 17, 2018
Last modified:March 17, 2018


An independent review of the Meridian Health Protocol by George Bridgeham that includes an overview of the program, and details about its pros and cons.

Meridian Health ProtocolHello guys and welcome to our review of the Meridian Health Protocol by George Bridgeham.

We will divide this review into three parts:

1. In the first section, we will explain what the Meridian Health Protocol is all about.

2. In the second section, we will discuss the main pros and cons of George Bridgeham’s protocol.

3. In the last section, we will summarize everything and mention the most important things you must remember before making your final decision…

Let’s start 🙂

The Basics

Created by George Bridgeham, a natural health practitioner and researcher, the Meridian Health Protocol is an easy-to-follow manual that shows you exactly how to use meridian points, also called acupuncture points and energy hot spots, on your body to treat just about any type of ailment.

Background Story of This Protocol

George Bridgeham said his daughter used to have a tumor in her upper lip. Unfortunately, doctors were unable to remove it. As she was growing up, the tumor continued to swell, so her doctors tried freezing (cryotherapy) and electric shocks to remove it. Instead of helping, these medical procedures caused the tumor to grow faster, according to George.

As a last resort, a friend suggested to them to try Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It was during this time that he met Master Lim, who was supposedly a Singapore-based private practitioner of meridian points. Master Lim taught him how to harness the healing benefits of meridian points. Eventually, they created the Meridian Health Protocol for those who want a non-invasive alternative to Western medicine.

About Meridian Points

The ancient Chinese believe that most human ailments (cancer, arthritis, clogged arteries, diabetes, etc.) are due to blocked “energy paths,” or what’s called as meridians. When there are no blockages to these energy paths, the body is completely capable of healing itself.

George mentioned a 1992 study at the Necker Hospital in Paris. In the study, the researchers injected radioactive tracers, also called radioactive label, into the meridian points of 300 volunteers. Results showed that the slower the tracers move through the meridian points, the less healthy the volunteers.

In alternative Chinese medicine, “chi” or energy contains certain instructions that the body needs to respond to. If it doesn’t respond immediately, the affected area doesn’t heal, and the person becomes more susceptible to other illnesses. Chi also creates balance and harmony within the mind and body.

By opening or removing blockages to your body’s energy paths, you’ll experience the following:

Enhanced immune system, which becomes more equipped to fight potentially harmful germs (viruses, bacteria, and fungi) and man-made chemicals that enter the body.

Increases the beneficial effects of antioxidants, which in turn slow down the aging process.

Terminate cancer cells by increasing the production of a group of signaling proteins called interferon.

About the Meridian Health Protocol

What’s included:

1. Workbook

This workbook will help you identify your illness and the meridian points you need to work on. From there, you’ll create a schedule and keep track of your progress or healing experience. Also, it will show you the various foods and full-body workouts that you need to perform to boost your immune system.

2. Videos

You’ll also get a collection of videos, which will show you where to search for blockages and meridian points and learn how to perform massages on them…

Click Here For More Details About The Workbook And Videos Of The Meridian Health Protocol!

The Pros and Cons


The Pros


A Drug-Free, Non-Invasive Remedy

According to a 2016 article by RT, the United States ranked third as the most overworked and over-medicated country in the world. In another article (2015) published by The Washington Post, almost 60 percent of Americans are taking prescription drugs, including medications for depression, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Although these medications can help, they also come with minor to severe negative side effects.

The Meridian Health Protocol teaches a safe, gentle, and unique 5-minute exercise that you need to do daily. This will help remove any blockages to your “chi” and unlock the healing power of your body. No needles or over-the-counter or herbal medicines needed.

It’s Relatively Easy to Understand

Regardless of educational background or knowledge of meridian points, you won’t have a hard time understanding this program. There are no technical concepts or words in the manual and videos.

Used For Thousands of Years

Scientists are just starting to study the effectiveness and safeness of alternative medicine, such as the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Although further studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness, TCM has been used in ancient China for thousands of years already, so practitioners should be able to vouch for its effectiveness.

George Backs It Up with a 60-Day Refund Guarantee

We don’t think you need an entire month to go through this protocol and apply what you learned. But if you’re not happy with it despite following it to the letter, George Bridgeham is willing to refund your money.

This makes it easy to try the Meridian Health Protocol without any financial risk…


The Cons


There Are No Solid Scientific Evidences

And it’s not surprising. There might be a few medical articles or reviews out there, but none of them fully support the use of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for treating major diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. It’s hard to say how safe or effective it is to treat minor to severe diseases without solid scientific data.

It May Not Cure All Major Diseases

Well, we’re also not exactly sure if this is the permanent cure for diseases that have long plagued humankind – cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and so on.

With that said, several scientific studies suggest that Traditional Chinese healing techniques, such as acupuncture and acupressure, may help relieve the symptoms of some of these major diseases.

You Can’t Purchase A Physical Copy

The Meridian Health Protocol is a digital product that you can view on any device (laptop, desktop computer, smart phone, and tablet). If you’re looking for a hard copy, George Bridgeham doesn’t offer this option yet.

Our Conclusions

Overall, we believe the Meridian Health Protocol is worth checking out. It’s interesting and offers a unique, natural, and non-invasive way to treat diseases or to relieve their symptoms. If you’re interested in alternative medicine or Traditional Chinese medicine, this could be a good starter program.

Of course, the Meridian Health Protocol is not perfect, and you should remember that it doesn’t guarantee a 100 percent success rate. Like other alternative treatments, there are no large, peer-reviewed clinical studies to back up its healing benefits.

To sum it up: If you can’t spare at least 5 minutes a day, or if you expect significant results overnight, the Meridian Health Protocol might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you want to avoid the negative side effects of medications, or if Western medicine is not helping your condition, the Meridian Health Protocol is a great option to consider.

Moreover, considering that George Bridgeham offers a 60-day money back guarantee, we don’t think you have something to lose by giving the Meridian Health Protocol a try for several weeks…

Well, we sincerely hope this review was helpful. If you’ve already tried George Bridgeham’s protocol, please let us know what you think about it.

To your good health and happiness 🙂

Click On This Link To Get Instant Access To The Meridian Health Protocol Now!


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